easy mate, i just stumbled across your blog. it seems your from vancouver as well. i'm always waitin for decent bands to come down, i must say ive been largely disappointed most of the time considerin i moved from england and the indie scene there is awesome. i have a blog-site too, its emusik.blogspot.com, check it out when you get the chance. later man.
easy mate, i just stumbled across your blog. it seems your from vancouver as well. i'm always waitin for decent bands to come down, i must say ive been largely disappointed most of the time considerin i moved from england and the indie scene there is awesome. i have a blog-site too, its emusik.blogspot.com, check it out when you get the chance. later man.
Indy, at Wednesday, December 20, 2006 at 9:25:00 PM PST
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