a day in the life of ...

Thursday, February 02, 2006


my new toy:

as my friend would say, "this thing is just filthy." 40 gigs, USB mass storage, drag and drop files, FM tuner, and it can record.

now why would i get this instead of say a microtrack or an ipod? well, i wanted to have enough space to store mp3s. my cd player died and i needed a portable music machine. that pretty much weeds out everything on the market. my only complaint is the lack of recording @ 48khz.

and i must say if you have an iriver and you don't have a rockbox firmware, what are you waiting for? it's soooo much better than the iriver one.

loading time w/ iriver firmware: about a min.
loading time w/ rockbox firmware: about 10 sec.


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