a day in the life of ...

Thursday, May 25, 2006

05.25.2006 Sam Roberts Band (acoustic) @ HMV robson

sam roberts and his band (well just his guitarist) decided to do an acoustic instore performance at HMV as part of local radio station, CFOX's 6 o'clock rock report. usually in these kind of things, 2-3 songs are played and a lot of gabbing is spewed out to fill time. as far as instores are concerned i'm game. public place means, audio/video is fair game. :)

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got there a little more than an hour before. about 20 or so ppl were there before me. at this point i'm not too thrilled as on top of those 20 or so ppl there will be about 10-15 contest vip's who will skip the line entirely. they end up splitting the store's floor in front front of the stage more or less in half, diagonaly. hard to explain but a really weird setup. now at this point i'm thinking there's no way i'll be able to get an unobstructed view, and i don't film over heads. shortly after 6, they lead us in like cattle and to my suprise, there's a neat little spot just beside the divider between vips and non vips and the aisle. i sneak my way in and just like that, one of the better spots in the house is mine. my bro ends up in the balcony filming through a dirty window, not actually being able to make out if they're actually making music or not. there was a crusty-looking (he was mistaken for a bum earlier) guy from ontario who loved SRB, but not enough to buy tickets. he had a sign with him that begged for free tickets. if you're picturing a bum, you'd be correct.

ok so mr. robert's and his performance... although i respect what he does, a) his shows are too big for me to film b)i'm not thaaat big into his stuff. i.e i wouldn't pay to see him headline with a shitty opener. that said, he played 2 songs i've never heard of before today and did the whole radio interview speil for a total of 30 min. kinda cool to watch i suppose. but where's the hits??? (i can't believe i just typed that)

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