a day in the life of ...

Thursday, April 14, 2005

04.13.05 QOTSA @ Queen Elizabeth Theater Vancouver, BC

i'll keep this short, since my knowledge of qotsa isn't really up to par. got to the venue near doors. queens of the stone age, has an open taping policy, but i was kind of worried the theater staff would try and pull something on me. walked up to the security guy. he does the pat down. feels both jacket pockets and feels something in each. says whats in the those pockets. i show him a cd player in one. (slowly, the dat and mics are in the other pocket) the guy is real impatient and continues the pat down. oops he found something in my jeans pocket. i show him keys and other goodies. he never did see the other jacket pocket.

throwrag. i guess they're rockabilly. they were amusing at times. boring at others. they played 40min.

qotsa, pretty good from what i heard. i had row 2 (which was really row 4) dead center. i was a little worried about not hearing vocals because that's what happend the last time i had similiar seats seeing STP. anyways, recording came out fine.

ran into andrewkw after the show. he ran microtech gefells or whatever they're called. no stand just taped to one of the boxes by the soundboard. he also ran a pair of soundpros. man those are small.

Queens of the Stone Age Setlist

Wolf (Weird G)
Feel Good (C)
Lost Art (C)
1st It Giveth (C)
Go W/The Flow (C)
Avon (C)
You Would Know (C)
INsane (C)
Broken box (E)
Lego (E)
In My Head (E)
Monsters (E)
Burn Witch (Magic Bass) (E)
Little Sister (E)
No One Knows (C) w/ long solo
Dead (C)
I Never Came (E)
Headache (E)

Long Slow (Magic Bass) (E)
Reg John (C) w/ dueling guitars

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