a day in the life of ...

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Interview: Billy The Kid (March 2010)

Photo Credit: Tommy Au

This interview is part of a series of interviews conducted via email with a bunch of Vancouver/Victoria/BC bands who played this year's SXSW (South By South West Festival in Austin). They were selected to play at SXSW by applying via their Sonicbids account. Her current video has her without her glasses. wow.

Please identify yourself(ves) for those reading, what you do in the band and who else plays in the band

Me! That's it!!!

Tell us a little about the history of the band

My punk rock band started demanding things like food, and water, so I packed up in an '87 Volkswagon Golf and the rest is history!

How would you describe your sound

Boring. Really, reeeally boring. You should porbably avoid it at all costs...it's so boring that Garth Hudson from The Band fell asleep while we were recording together. True story!

Are there any emerging local bands that you really like?

A million! Check out Acres of Lions for sure.

Any good SXSW stories?

How 'bout that time I never even applied for SXSW cause I didn't think I would get accepted but now I'm playing 7 times?

Where and what was the best thing you ate while there?

The alcohol was delicious

What's a song from the 80's that you really like?

I LOVE Lovers In A Dangerous Time. I crank it whenever it is on.

What's the coolest thing you've ever bought?

money. I like to trade money for different looking money. It doesn't make a lot of sense but it happens in a different city every day I'm sure.

What are your near-future plans band-wise?

I have about 3 weeks to finish my record then I'm writing for some film and TV stuff then back out on the road!

Thanks for doing the interview, you have the last word, say what you want to say

If you hate major labels as much as I do you should probably go to my website and download a free track http://www.billythekidonline.com


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