a day in the life of ...

Thursday, August 16, 2007

08.15.2007 Pelican / Clouds / Gargantula

It's been a while since I've made an update, and even longer since I've even seen a show (which also reminds me that I have to put up an Explosions in the Sky review eventually). Luckily post-rock stalwarts Pelican are rolling through town again, this time to a much larger room at Richards on Richards. Having seen them twice already, I was almost hesitant to make it a third. I'm glad I did.

The night started off with Gargantula, a band that I've never heard of before. After hitting the stage with little fanfare and even less of an audience (I should note that I wondered why they even opened the balcony), Gargantula launched into a 4-5 minute little instrumental bit full of riffage. At this point, my interest was peaked, until... their singer showed up. After hearing 10 seconds of his vocals, I think I headed outside, catching the tail end of a confrontation between staff at Richards and this... uh guy. I didn't catch the entire conversation, but I think it stemmed from the guy (who was caucasian) calling the staff (who appeared to be East Indian or South Asian or possibly persian) racists and nazis.

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Anyways Clouds were up next and were a pleasent suprise. Having only heard one song off myspace and a knowing a little about their pedigree, I wasn't too sure about this band on the onset. Things didn't seem to get any better with the band starting late due to technical difficulties, so much so that they introduced themselves as "Technical difficulties" and "Having a really bad day." However, when they did play, they were definitely were a entertaining. The four piece consisted of 2 guitarists and a bassist, each with a mic for vocals. The band kind of had a psychadelic hardcore sort of feel to them, and the guitars did shred. Pretty entertaining band, and full of energy, hair in their faces and singing their hearts out. I'm guessing the fact that they had so many technical difficulties and car problems stoke the proverbial fire. I really shouldn't be suprised with how well this band turned out, I mean Adam from Cave In does play in this band.

08.08.09 Update: Clouds had this to say about this show:
Vancouver BC: None of us had ever been there. We got lost for three hours and realized one of our tires was on the brink of explosion. The show was probably one of the best of the tour. People got into it and a friendly stranger gave us a whole free bag of mind expansion while we changed our tire outside. Loved Vancouver.

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Finally closing out the night was Pelican. As I mentioned in a previous review, prior to 2005, Pelican would've been an OK band to see live. However, it wasn't until last year that they were a great band to see live. Even in interviews, their members have remarked on the apparent apathy towards playing live. Thankfully, as evidenced by last year's show, things have changed and their live shows are markedly better. They seem much more confident and look to be having more fun. Trevor, one of their guitarist, even asked people in the seats to get up and stand closer. Musically they were spot on. Most of the tracks were taken from their latest album City of Echoes. Curiously, I also heard from someone mention that Laurent plays snippets of whatever would be on the setlist during his pre show soundcheck/tune up right before he gets on stage. There was one qualm however. For a band that has 3 solid albums, it was kind of disappointing to only hear 60 minutes. Even Explosions in the Sky have pushed their shows to the 70 mark.

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Bliss In Concrete
City of Echoes
Lost in the Headlights
Dead Between the Walls
Far From Fields
Aurora Borealis
Red Ran Amber

links courtesy of LMA, mp3 d/ls also here.


ps: shout outs to Steve the photo guy for confirming that people actually read this.

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  • I just saw the video/pic you posted up and it brought tears to my eyes reminiscing in memories 12 years ago when I myself once had a band as well..
    We played in the basement/garage, we performed in talent shows/pubs, we did everything right, we got a record deal with some small time corp, but now I still remain a plumber in misery. Hey ya'll, pursue your dream, dont let it fall out! Make your dream come through because only you can make it true :)

    By Anonymous Pelican Lights, at Monday, June 15, 2009 at 6:24:00 PM PDT  

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